Praying Couples
My friend, don't wait until your marriage hits a brick wall
before you start praying. Make marriage prayer a daily routine with your
spouse. Why? because including prayer in marriage really does make a
Do you realize there are some things in your life that will not change until you make a commitment to pray?
Perhaps this is why the Word of God tells us to pray without ceasing.
Today, Wanda and I want you to make a commitment to pray daily for your spouse and with your spouse. We are absolutely convinced about the power of prayer in marriage.
We personally have a ton of Christian testimonies to prove it! That's
why we've made it a habit to pray together every evening before going
to bed.
Praying together is one of the most intimate things you can do as a couple.
Not only is it an act of intimacy, but your combined prayers are the most powerful, and effective weapon the two of you have to fight the attacks of Satan.
John 10:10 says that Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Believe
us, Satan would like nothing better than to destroy your marriage. In
fact, he'll even use you as a weapon.
Why? because if your marriage desolves, your children will be affected, your relationship with God will be affected, your witness will be affected, your community will be affected, and ultimately the church will be affected.
It's like throwing a pebble into a pond, the ripples are far reaching.
This is why you must take an offensive approach with your prayer life today!
If you don't know how to pray it is crucial that you make an effort to learn.
We have seen situations in our lives completely turn around just through consistent prayer coupled with our faith.
If you haven't been praying with your mate and for your mate, start today. God desires consistent communication with you.
What should you pray about? Everything! The Bible says that we should
cast all of our cares on him. The last time we checked, the word "all" meant everything, it excludes nothing. Prayer really does work!